Is that a pump jack in that parking lot? If they drilled for oil, then built around a live well, they're in for a big surprise!
It sure does look like one, I had a friend in HS that had one not 500 feet from their house, and they were in a suburban street. Things were different back then. I remember his father saying it was only allowed to pump a few hours a week.
I noticed that as well. I believe there was a time when this was fairly common. I seem to recall seeing a photo of a town in California that had a working oil pump jack like this in front of the city hall. It was a symbol of community pride at the time.
Now I get the reference from the other thread! I grew up in west Texas and it wasn't uncommon to have someone with a house that used to have a bit of property that the city had grown up around with live wells on them. I can remember 2 or 3 in my town growing up, mostly in the older sections of town.
Funny thing is, all the pump jacks i had ever seen in SoCal were four times or more bigger than that bitty one, and they were usually on a chunk of land that was devoid of any structures. A gal I once knew, who grew up in SoCal, told me they were kept from buildings for fire safety.