I was real worried about competing against Stormin's new car until I realized that his Squire is not in my class. His is a 79. Yea. I think I could still have a chance to at least be competative in my class. I was wondering though. Since Stormin's Fairmont is Mexican, does that make it an import? Interesting conundrum huh.
You've got two things going for you: 1) Mother Nature's ugly sister La Nina is making car-life miserable 2) There isn't any snow melt until May! I may overcome both: 1) This week is warming up enough 2) If I can schmooze my Ford Dealership to put it the showroom for a few shots. But an Import? You'll hurt her feelings. At least I'd be the only Mexican Import in that year!
They have a saying in French: Beau de loins, mais loins d'etre beau! Nice from afar, but far from Nice! It's a longshot picture! Roll the dice, what can you lose?
almost all my cars are what i call 20/20 .......at 20 feet or 20 miles per hour...theyr mint!!! or in the words of the infamous Canadian band...'TROOPER' ....a 6 dressed up as a 9 !!!....LOL
Sheesh! Now we'll be judged on the Special FX in our pics!!! I don't have enough makeup to hide all the warts, and brown spots ...
You must enter. My car looks much better in pictures than in real life. And if your real worried we'll have to talk wagonmaster in to a "survivor" class. It don't have to be pretty to be cool. I like your wagon.