Station Wagon Bubble?

Discussion in 'General Station Wagon Discussions' started by jrwscout, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. Safariknut

    Safariknut Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
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    Tecumseh Michigan
    I got my first wagon in 1968(a sedan delivery actually)because I liked the fact that I could store all my painting equipment in the back and as a bonus have a place to crash when I either got too drunk to drive home or the ol lady threw me out(lol).
    If that one hadn't got totalled by some idiot who was late for a softball game I would probably still be driving it.
    My 55 Safari has been with me for 20 years now(got it in February of 1994)and I don't have any desire to get rid of it.The 57 I bought in 1996 and unfortunately through no fault of my own haven't finished it yet. I bought it partly because I loved the style of the 57's(the 55 is ugly compared to them)and the fact that I had done some paint work on it in 1963 and it is still there as good as the day it was done.The original builder is still trying to buy it from me.
    It will hopefully be done this year as I am forsaking car shows to try and get things in order in my life.Turning 70 will do that to a person.That and watching way too many of your friends pass.
    Rev brought up some good points.

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