I watched those videos and actually felt a tingle of inspiration. There may be some hope for this country after-all...... This country's greatest problem is understanding the concept of one's "chickens coming home to roost". Ron Paul has a very valid point in that we as a nation are on everybody else' "GRASS", "doin' our thing", under the guise of "bringing democracy to the world". As soon as someone steps on our "GRASS" and poops on it, we want to fight and retaliate. I'm all for protecting our borders and punishing those who wrong us, but, first we must realize the wrong we do AND realize that everybody don't want our damn democracy. You can't fault your enemy for destroying your house when, you let him in, knowing he's your enemy and you destroyed his house first....And are occupying the ruins all while blowin' smoke up his ass tellin' him you're helping him rebuild. Just my humble opinion. Chuck
She male for Ron Paul? http://www.flickr.com/photos/dacali/sets/72157603371533391/ NO COMMENT from me, except that there is no nudity here. [notice the adams apple and just a hint of a mustache]