I'd kill for '70s during the afternoon, right now. I have stuff to do outside, and I don't wanna die from heat stroke.
If it hasn’t been packed away by June 25th of the said year it is to be declared as early preparation…
Well, my wife is certainly ready. She bought all of the ladies who exchange gifts their presents yesterday. All done in one "never done before in her history" shopping trip of less than half an hour. I'm still shocked, dazed, and I must say delighted. No angst over what to get this one or that one, this year she had a plan and had fun implementing it. I on the other hand have it easy. A trip to the magazine store and pick up my Hemmings Classic Car mags, one for each of the guys and one for me, and I'm done. Tomorrow I'll dig out the outside lights and make sure they are all working properly and then install them on a sunny warm November afternoon. My wife already has her 16 double sized bins of decorations idling in the basement along with a bunch of assorted goodies that she puts up. Christmas is her time, she loves it, she makes the house feel like an old time Christmas like we had as kids with our large families. Life is good! She and I don't exchange gifts, we donate the money we'd spend there to a charity for needy families.
In these times you can’t ask for anything better than that. Family tradition. You have a wonderful time ahead of you already. Merry Christmas! *don’t Santa ask for anything that’ll shoot your eye out tho.
*don’t Santa ask for anything that’ll shoot your eye out tho. Hah, my wife will be binge watching A Christmas Story again this year if it's on. She loves that show and we have a buddy who has a laced leg light like the one in the show.
*don’t Santa ask for anything that’ll shoot your eye out tho." I sometimes wonder how we survived childhood. We used to have BB gun fights where guys would roam the woods and attack or ambush others that they ran across. I got nailed by a BB that ricocheted off a tree and took out a lens in my glasses. My brother got nailed in the cheek with a horseweed arrow during an archery fight. We had an open neighborhood and shared our stuff. Our back door led to the basement or up the stairs to a screened in porch. We stored our BB guns, fishing poles, and archery stuff on a ledge going up to the porch. A 6 year old neighbor found the BB gun and tried to cock it but he wasn't strong enough, He got it part way and let it go. It went off and a BB lodged under his tongue. I won't even mention throwing .22 shell in the trash fire or the shotgun shell bombs we made.