Since we all love Volkswagens, if you haven't already, may I recommend "The People's Car," by Bernhard Rieger. An excellent history of it, from the idea for a "volks wagen" by ol' Adolf himself, through the British takeover to produce vehicles for rebuilding Germany, and the start of the Volkswagen branding.
I think I read that story. I noticed in my youth, when I wasn't thinking about sex, that many of my older antique car friends were driving a VW beetle as their second car. When I asked a few they said it's as simple and easy to work on as our Model T's and others. At least the gas guage was easy to use. The heater wasn't so great in January in Illinois.
Dad told me about driving from Dillsburg (near Mechanicsburg), PA to Washington, DC, for a meeting at the Pentagon; he drove with the top down, wearing his officer's dress blue uniform and greatcoat, white scarf and combination cap, while the snow fell!