Musta missed this after the first couple posts. Jim, I'm a FORD man, but I GOTTA say, them's some SWEET lookin' Mopars there. If you're on Spacebook, couple - three pages you might like, Mopar Mandy, Mopars at the strip, & Chrysler Power magazine. Definitely tip my hat to you sir!!
Love that GS! Had one myself long ago, '67 400 vert. great car that's on my short list of one's I wish I hadn't sold.
I just saw a thread similar to this on another forum today. I thought we had something like it here, so I decided to look. Turns out I started the thread way back in February of 2013! It seemed like it had some legs, but then it did as many forum threads do and just died. I know it's an old one, but I thought I'd revive it, see if any of our newer members (I'm looking at you Grizz) or perhaps even some veterans (Texas Mike?) might like to show off their garage/shop.
Moved out of the suburbs and into the countryside since the last time I posted on this thread. I moved cause I needed space to build a garage. I left a county that was one of the fastest growing counties in the country. The population was doubling every eight to ten years for decades. In one five year period, they built 21 new schools. I moved to a much more rural setting. The county where I am now only has one McDonalds (the only fast food restaurant in the county) and one supermarket in the entire county. There is only one high school, and there are only nine traffic lights in the entire county. The garage is complete except for the final grading outside. Haven't got the wagon inside yet, but I've started to make use of the new garage.
I have the use of my niece's garage to work on vehicles. But other than a stanchion with a swivel I-beam that holds a 3-ton chain hoist, but it's a dirt pit compared yours, Jim. I think I have the pics I took last Summer when my niece and her husband moved in.
At least the electrical panel has a 220 outlet for a compressor. And there's an established constabulary:
That's because it is. This weekend, I'm helping an old classmate clear out his family's 'barn' (don't fret, it's a bit cluttered but not a disaster area). I'll get pics, but the 'workshop space' and entry doors are to die for. You definitely could run a small auto repair shop in this place. And the gorgeous beauty makes it all the better for the soul.
Great idea! I’m on it. We are currently under construction but I’ll show you what all I got and what I’m thinking. I could probably use some organizing ideas. I’m currently working out of the basement which is big enough for the bikes, lawnmowers, and small engines for example the chainsaw that’s in pieces that I keep putting off. Right now I have to focus on getting these little pot lickers to bed. Should have some time tomorrow right before I cut grass.
That hoist is noice! You also have a band saw? And a drill press. Two things I’m hunting for but have yet to acquire. Because I’m a cheap skate and can’t get anybody to trade me for this stupid boat I got
Don't have any pics right now, but I think my boring old 2-car is going to get a makeover in the next few months, come hell or high water. It's a 'finished' garage, with drywall, but it's never been mudded or painted, and the drywall tape is coming off. So first I have to practice my mudding skills, do some sanding afterward, and then get to painting. Hopefully, it will be with some accent color on the lower half of the walls, besides the white. I also need to buid some storage shelves, and a new work bench. I built a big bench a few years ago, but it turned out to be TOO big, so I just sold it. Been working on fold-up tables since then.
Haha..nothing like telling our internet friends we’re going to do something to actually light that fire and get it done once and for all eh krash?!