Our post office closed a lot of its own branches and opened in our Shopper's Drugmart chain and some reputable pharmacies. (What else always makes money, even more in bad times?) Well they carry nice shipping envelopes and decent sized bubble back and a few box sizes - None good enough. Yours can fit in an big Aspirin box, but that won't protect them. The package would be so small it could get stuck in a mailing tube, And TBirds Visors won't fit in anything they have - too long. So I'll dig around here and mail them tomorrow. The gal at the Mail counter said UPS might have something, but I think I've got just the right box. I bought a small anvil, and kept the box, for just such a thing. If a 10 lb anvil couldn't break it from China, I think your parts will survive just fine. I've got another one for TBird's.