Jiminy Peak is the Host hotel and if you are a registered ISWC guest, they have given our group a rate of only $99.00 per night! They are usually almost $200.00 per night and they are not just rooms, they are fully equipped suites with full kitchens etc. Go to http://www.jiminypeak.com/ for more info.
Here is an update for the 2012 ISWC Convention in Hancock Mass. We have been invited to view a private car collection of approximately 100 cars!! The collection in near the Saratoga NY Auto Museum, so I am currently in the process of arranging a trip to tour the Museum while we are in town. The last time that I visited the Museum, they had woodies as their main attraction! That tour will be on Wednesday June 20. I also want to spend time in Downtown Saratoga. It is a great place!! Come on down!! We are also scheduled for a tour of Hemmings Motor News on Thursday June 21. We will also stay for the bi-weekly Hemmings Cruise-In that night. Hemmings is a 25-30 minute drive from Jiminy Peak. The cruise-in is weather permitting, so let's hope that it doesn't rain! Stay tuned!! Updates will be posted as things are finalized.
Update I have a correction to make in our schedule. Hemmings has finalized their cruise-ins and it does NOT fall on the day that we will be there!!! It will be the week before and the week after!! So we will still tour Hemmings and after that, we will cruise around to the covered bridges in the area. I tried!!!
Our website is in the process of being updated and all convention documents are available. Go to iswc.us.