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The Wartburgs were East German continuations of the DKW 2-cycle cars. Here's a van built around a modernized DKW engine. The last ones, including...
Several states of mind and sobriety [img]
Here's an interesting dig-up on Soviet copying:...
The following is an Opel copy first built in the Soviet Union and then built in Poland, under Soviet license. Pictured, is the wagon variety....
Those old Opel o.h.v. fours pay an uncanny resemlance to the chevy 4-bangers [IMG] Ever see a 1936 B.M.W.snowmotorcycle? [img]
It's no wonder, his own generals attempted assasinating him. He just got into every one of theirs way. Not only were those Me-262s good for...
I'd agree, only if they were at least this pretty. Later ones looked downright cheap [ATTACH]
The dashboard and engine would tell us how Horchy it's. Horches had 66° V-8's, to start with. The V-12 would be a possibility:...
He means, potential customers will run away, once they see the price tag, Sir
Those planes had trouble enuff lifting off, since the afterburner was not yet inventd "What the Hell was that?! It flew by us, as if we were...
Belgian LaSalle Club eye candy photo gallery [img]
Today's German army has replaced them with quads. I wonder how many quads can tow an Me-262 or plow snow:...
The flying bell which was copied. Then flown over the Nevada desert: Pilots called them Foo Fighters...
A 1978 Toyota Corolla, a 1998 Ford Mondeo and the Audi
For those who don't need privacy. I guess, if any 16 year old were to borrow his dad's car looking like that, he shouldn't expect to be weaving on...
Jeremy Clarkston was always one for controversy
The Pontiac would be more dangerous, in a fire, because of all that 300 pounds of carpet and insulation, considering the Hydramatic and Pontiac...
The spookiest half-track with motorcycle fork ever: [img]
Because of all the hosing and glass, this is either a moonshine runner, a portable hemp greenhouse or both, methinks
The injected O-series 2 liter is even more fun. You only have to just turn it sideways:...