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Gern geschehen :thumbs2:
The woodgrain is the only thing keeping the body from falling off. I can almost watch the blisters grow :slap:
Just saw this today. Here's a documentary over the entire Horch, Wanderer, DKW and AUDI turned Auto Union history:...
Cylinder reduction is a growing trend, as more horsepower gets squeezed out of lower displacement. European car makers are substituting their...
Tuckers: To bad, production was stopped. Even, as a non-wagon :bawling: [img] [img] [img]
Looks like a 70's Bonneville/Grandeville next to it?
Funny. I found this same wagon posted in a German forum. What's going on:confused::...
If any of them have leather upholstery, none of those hides are evidently Asner's, since the leather looks too smooth and unblemished, Sir
Don't they have nudist beaches down there yet? If not, pythons and anacondas also have nice skin :evilsmile:
This is all you need to see, Sir. Once seen, you should be in 7th heaven: [img]
Ed Asner needed one badly, Sir [img] [img]
Or judging by the world record on a Vincent setter, a thread on Brazilian waxing jobs?
If you ever run into a pre-'68 4-4-2 400 engine, that should be an appropriate relacement for the 350, since both are smallblocks. You could...
To handle all the torque of the eights, the transaxle would have had to be completely modified which would have been another cost burden. I wonder...
That's strange. He allowed the Hindenburg Zeppilin to dock in New York and could've ran in Bonneville, also as a publicity stunt. By the way, when...
Larger diameter tires have lower rolling friction. Maybe, Pontiac wanted to outdo the others in fuel milage. However, if they really wanted to do...
I don't know if the Germans had access to Bonneville, because of diplomatic issues, since the National Socialists were ruling at the time
Here're how the older ones were put together: A 2 1/2 liter hemi V-8 was dropped into the Daimler...
It's the other pedal which should be going to the metal. And I don't mean clutch
I've seen such swaps debated at the Olds forum. I'm sure, Olds did make a 307. Show us some pictures of the mill. You can immediately see if it's...