Separate names with a comma.
Cal Worthington and his 'dog' spot.
That was clear as mud. Whom were you addressing and I didn't see anything about a 'borrowed' anything so I can't even guess.
wondering what the Limo at the far right is. It must have a story behind it as none of the other cars looks to be high dollar for the era.
OrthmannJ's post just before that post, I believe.
72 fishmouth is the one I really, really, don't like at all. I could go for a 73 to 75 or even a 68 or 69 Ranchero but not the fishmouth or 77-79....
Not a good idea to buy a German car after the warranty expires. I've heard horror stories from former Saab owners who told me to never buy one,...
The buddy seat/center cushion is not considered a console. That was just Chrysler's way of keeping the front area capable of carrying 3 people and...
And that most important of items to put in the ad, assortment of colors! Far cry from the sea of black, silver, gray
Nope on the 72. Definitely a 73 or 74 Plymouth Satellite Sebring or Sebring Plus. I would have to see the hood vents (or lack thereof) or the...
No power windows? Shocking! My grandfather had one of these and I went with him to pick it up out of the dealer's showroom in Oakland, CA. It was...
Why would the hood paint need to be wet to have a not very good shine if the car only has 8000 miles. Carpet and mats seem to have a lot of...
Something fishy with the door mirror. Exterior photos show the round door mirror and the interior photo shows a chrome racing style mirror.
I think it needs way too much for that kinda price. Not a popular enough body style to have people knocking down the door to look at it. It's been...
Why do I always think the German's can't style a car? They just seem so boring or ugly to me with only a few rare exceptions. BMW are about as...
The new car buyer's first stop would have been the wheel shop. Dealers knew that and didn't try to push the more expensive wheelcovers and...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] This is the 69. some one already posted in the for sale...
I know but the cars are about 2000 miles from me! Maybe I could dredge up some 15 year old photos from when I lived there and the owner still put...
Just found out that someone I knew 15 years ago in Shreveport, LA is selling off his wagons and 77 and 78 New Yorker 4drs after moving into...
The 57 Chevy enjoyed an 'extended' model year production from what I've read about them. During the regular model year the Ford outsold them, bad...