This is the age-old dilemma. You stop when you run out of money! If you can do it now as you've outlined, you should. You'll be happier and $ ahead when done.
I agree.....already pulled the front end off so i can get all the pieces blasted....which is now making me build a blasting with all the cars we have here will be well used....
lol Rev ....i totally understand...but the curious kid in me cant help but take thinga apart......hopefully it all goes back together
the next phase ok , here is where we are at these days......with the front end being torn off and all the arts that need blasting , made me realize we needed to build the sandblasting box to clean up our are some pics of the box in is big enough to put a full sized fender in as well as the core support....
next is get the glass cut and installed as well as the lower flat grid to set parts on above the the media drop...coming along good..hope it works as well as i am thinking it will have 2 lights that are sealed in each upper corner....4 glove areas to use... as well as a filtered air intake and a hook up for the exhaust which will be filtered through the shop vac....cross the
Nice looking wagon. I really like the stance and the wheels. I'm looking forward to seeing how the engine looks. I'm impressed with your blasting cabinet as well. That's a nice job. will blend into the house when its work out pretty good...i will post a couple pics with pieces in it so you can get a good idea the size it is...
The new motor for the wagon ...its a 86 350 - 30 over pistons...10/10 on all the bearings with stock bumpity bump in this ride..just good solid smooth daily driver is the 700r4 project that needs to get mated to this motor....luving it ))