he is on www.warroom.com xm patriot i believe go to the website above to find a local affiliate. he is based out of pittsburgh. i am sick and tired of this PC bullsh!t. the ACLU is to blame for a lot of the problems. you can tell the other side is scared.... how bout this bush league villification of fox news by the Obama regieme! anyone who thinks obama is the greatest thing since sliced bread is the one who is living in the dream world. Read about Rahm emmanuel's brother, the man is wacked in the head. he has suggested manditory abortions. If a conservative doesn’t like guns, they don’t buy > one. If a liberal > doesn’t like guns, then no one should have one. > > If a conservative is a > vegetarian, they don’t eat meat. If a liberal is, they > want to ban all meat > products for everyone. > > If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks > about how to defeat his enemy. A liberal wonders how to > surrender gracefully and > still look good. > > If a black man or Hispanic is conservative, they see > themselves as independently successful. Their liberal > counterparts see > themselves as victims in need of government protection. > > If a conservative > is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his > situation. A liberal wonders > who is going to take care of him. > > If a conservative doesn’t like a talk > show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those > they don't like be > shut down. > > If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to > church. > A liberal wants all churches to be silenced. > > If a conservative decides > he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may > choose a job that > provides it. A liberal demands that his neighbors pay for > his.
Ian, I'll give you one good argument for a National MediCare program. When ours kicked in around the late 40's or 50's, there was not Workers Comp, no serious effort to control chemical spills or mineral damage to water supplies, or industrial disasters. Since then, the whole thing went nuts. Kind of like taking a Sherman Tank and adding power mirrors or power windows, rear de-icer window - not related to avoidable damage to essential water and food supply or personal safety. Well now, when you look at how sensitive our water and lands are to all kinds of air-borne and water-borne cocktails, thanks to bad Civic planning or patronage decisions made by politicians at every level, a Medicare program at least helps to keep the injured public from suing the country into bankruptcy for negligence, maybe even breaking their oath of office. If they took off all the cosmetic surgery, other than replacing limbs or eyes and ears or noses injured in avoidable accidents by employers or politically organized agencies, the costs would go right down. If they took the fluff off, everyone would get the care they need, and the capricious would pay the specialists.
(1) Old Abe Lincoln was not a front runner in the 1860 elections,until after he made two speeches in which he mentioned having a dislike for the institution of slavery...The Civil War was about three things(a)Southern slave owners were upset that they weren't being able to take their slaves to California and have somebody else dig up all their gold for them.(b) Southern slave owners hadn't figured out all the money making possibilities associated with that Texas Black Gold we call crude oil,yet. and(c)the South was beginning to industrialize,and the North was going to have to pay their workforce,while the South had one that worked for free.So they wouldn't lose The Business Is War War,the North had to win The Free The Slaves War. The Civil War WAS about slavery, just not in the idealistic way many think... (2) What's going on with Mexico is this; there are Mexicans in Mexico, that the Government of Mexico really doesn't want to be taking care of.So,"they" came up with this La Raza and Reconquista propaganda, to get millions of those Mexicans they don't want to take care of,to pack up and go to America to get taken care of. (3) this North American Union thing The Globalists want to create,would open the borders,making them non-existent.They also want to bust worker unions and lower wages---and therefore, lower standards of living in the two northern countries of said Union. I really don't like this idea. I think America should be billing Mexico for all the Mexicans America has been taking care of...One of the reasons many people have legally immigrated to America IS; that it was America---NOT Mexico, or Burundi, or Japan, or where ever else they could have gone. They didn't come to America, to live in Mexico. If they had wanted to live in Mexico,THAT'S where they would have legally immigrated to. To keep Americans AND all the legal immigrants happy and living The American Dream---the NAU must fail and America MUST NOT become Mexico. They HAVE TO be completely and totally seperate and independent entities...With an uncrossable border between them,to keep them that way... Just my two cents worth.
Here are a couple from my stable: Iris...1934 Chevrolet Master Sedan: Slightly Modified: Product of the past 12 Years of Modifications: Then there's.....'Rose' My 1941 Ford Pickup Truck: I built this truck with a Cancer awareness theme: 239 Flathead with a 1968 Mustang C-4 automatic etc etc etc. Then there's my '95 Z28: etc etc.
Cruisin' Where did you get those rolling ramps under the convertible. What a heck of an idea! Never saw those before! Fine collection.
Those are perhaps the greatest garage tool known to mankind..... : They are caled KWIK Lift drive on lift....then raise the other end with a floor jack and lock down spring loaded legs: Raises the bottom of the tires 30" off the floor, ride your creeper end to end.... the Brookwood will be on that lift Monday ! www.kwiklift.com
A1...I have a seperate closet just for my LOUD shirts Cruz...that trucks beautiful!! Everyone else...never before have i seen a thread hang a left with no signals like this one did....:banghead3:..........
Sorry Rev, my blinker does not go left or right, just like my political affiliation, dead nuts straight ahead for me.
I love the Conservatives vs Liberals speech here. I read it to my folks who also enjoyed it. I'm glad so many of us are like-minded. Politics is always one of them fearful ventures as you may burn some bridges. I'm glad it went as well as it did.