I don't think I have seen a Paddle wheel Car ferry before, crossing the Green River in Kentucky in the mid 1950's
By the model years of the cars, it was operating on Lake Washington, even after the US 10 bridge (The Lacey V. Murrow Floating Bridge, now a part of Interstate 90) had been completed in July 1940. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leschi_(steam_ferry)
Millers ferry to Put in Bay is still running. But with a more Modern Fleet, 1st picture dated 1960, the 2nd dated 2016
That's a pretty neat model of the old ferry. Someone put a lot of work into that setting up that photo.
This image by Harold Corsini is one of a series of pictures by the photographer taken for U.S. Steel in 1964 containing vehicles arranged on a location in different areas of the County. This photo was staged by the Artist on the Port Townsend, WA ferry boat “Defiance” that traveled between the seaport northwest of Seattle at the mouth of the Puget Sound to Whidbey Island. Courtesy of The Old Motor.
The other ferry boat you posted I'd never seen; but seeing the Defiance brings back an early childhood memory. The first time I went to Fort Casey, we took the Edmonds-Kingston run, then drove up to Port Townsend to cross there to Whidbey Island. This was like a month after moving in to Navy Housing at Paine Field, here in the South end of town. The Defiance was the boat we took; Dad said that it was originally on the route between Point Defiance, Tacoma, to Talequah, on Vashon Island. He told me he rode it many times as a young man in the mid-to-late '40s. Anyway, here's a page on the M/V Defiance: http://www.evergreenfleet.com/mvdefiance.html If anyone is wondering why we didn't take the Mukilteo Ferry across to Whidbey Island, one of the docks had been smashed, IIRC, and put out of service.
I knew you would enjoy this one Andrew. I suppose it makes sense that this Ferry, named Defiance, used to travel the route to Point Defiance.