On second thought, I think, it's a two-cycle. Usually, the carburetors are mounted where that cover plate's bolted on, just behind the Indian ornament. Also, taking notice that a muffler is not to be seen, often times, the exhaust on two-cycles was piped out under the schroud
It would, if it was possible to scamp ones self with it. It seems that it was marketted to Indians, so that they could cut flat top haircuts with it: https://www.mylawnmowerforum.com/forum/105-all-other-brands/45017-lil-scalper.html
Oddly enough, I found out these were manufactured by none other than Indian Motorcycles! That's why this was called "Li'l Scalper." If you look at the wheel fairings, they look just like the motorcycle's wheel fairings.
I know what you're thinking. But, sorry folks. Patents take 75 years, to run out. Todays kids require a smart phone in front of them, before they'll crank the pedals of one of these
It's difficult to see what's in the carport. From here, looks like another GM, judging from the roof and rear window. He's gotten all that, working only one job and earning gold-backed dollars