You Guys Missed the best Picture of the Fly in Drive in. These ones have been posted before, but you can see the airport with the taxiway to get your plane to the movies.
A week ago Friday, I went to a double feature: This was at the Rodeo Drive-In, on State Route 3 west of Gorst in Kitsap County. I got there early by about 2 hours, so I had a total of 7 1/2 hours there in order to see "Captain Marvel" and "Avengers: Endgame." This three-screen establishment has been around at least since the '70s, but they have digital projection equipment and a low-power FM transmitter to hear the movies in stereo.
Andrew, do you know anything about the old drive in on the way to Anacortes? We drove by it on Saturday and every time I see it I think it would be a neat place to go and check out. It looks like it's been turned into a storage yard for old camping trailers.
I'm not sure which one that would be, but I know the Blue Fox, out near Oak Harbor(?), Is still in business: They're located off SR 20, and this screenshot has the exact address:
Wow! They even get eleven year olds to fork out adult prices. Over here, they stick it to ya' beginning at 15
Yes, but the per-person price is reasonable at $5.50/6.50 per person, whereas Rodeo's per-person price is $10.
I actually looked it up on the inner webs. It's called the Circus Drive-in. View from the highway:
I remember the name now, but we never went there. All the ones we went to, except the Rodeo, are all long-gone. The Thunderbird (Marysville), the Everett Motor Movie and Puget Park (Everett) , and the Sno-King (Lynnwood) were where we went in the '70s, and the Big Bear (Poulsbo), the Kitsap Twin, the Rodeo (Bremerton) and one other (Port Orchard, I think) were the ones we went to in the Eighties.