Looking Back. Brackett Motor Company was located on Main Street where the South end of Walgreens Pharmacy is today. Lester Brackett built the Garage in 1926 and sold Dodge, Plymouth, Hudson, Essex and Graham Automobiles. He operated the business there until he passed suddenly during World War II. Harry Marsh then operated his Ford Dealership there until he built a new garage further up the street. In the early 1950s Ernest Lavigne purchased the property and operated a Gulf Auto Gas Repair Station there until he sold it to Palmer Lewis and Russell Woodard in 1969. They operated Lewis & Woodard Garage there until 2006/2007. Rite Aid Pharmacy then purchased five buildings in that section and tore down the buildings developing the entire site into the present Super Drugstore.Colebrook New Hampshire
Showroom of Owen Keown Chevrolet, Venice/Marina Del Rey, California, 1970. I worked here in the parts department in the summer of 1972, And my dad bought his first new car from here, back in 1963 (when they were still in their original location, a few blocks north, on the same street....) The property is now one of the largest Harley-Davidson dealerships in the country.