its a 4 cylinder something?? Seems too small to be steam powered? Feel like all the steam would be gone after one cycle...but notice it’s not moving...maybe wood burning?!?!
Grizz I think you are correct, looking at it closer it looks like a radiator just in front of the driver, so a heater would not be needed in the winter!
That is a nice looking little wagon. Shame they never built it. Reminds me of the Willys wagon from the early 50s, small but useful.
Guessing this was either inspired by a Tucker or inspired the Tucker. The lines suggest to me that it is a later model than a Tucker. It is also right hand drive so that limits the countries it was built for.
I agree with that sentiment. Precisely what I thought when I first saw it. As to what it actually is, I haven't the slightest idea.