Too keep the cost down, I like OldFox's idea. Then go to Harbor Fart and buy a cheap pole and tarp type carport. On sale not much over $100. Those have no ends or sides but help keep snow and rain off. You can add cheap tarps alll around or just on the sides for more protection. I've used two side by side for years. Lasted around four years before I had to buy new vinyl. Living in Florida the sun drys it out quicker. I use one for my late model truck and the other to work, play, or sit under. Both are on a cement pad in front of the garage doors. I also mounted the poles in plastic pipe stubs cemented into concrete blocks. Added bungy cords here and there for wind protection. We've had some high winds and heavy rains and the truck mostly stays dry. PS 27 degrees in the boonies. As for mice, there are ferrel cats wandering around here mean enough to keep the ferrel hogs and neighbors away!
Thanks for all the info guy's. What I was worried about the most was moisture from the ground. Its a running/driving car, but not a show quality car. Its a step above a rat rod, but still my baby. I just need a moisture barrier(that works)underneath, no cover. I will be starting it once or twice a week. Also, those freak'in mice. I know waaay too many people who had that problem. I've seen nests under the seats, in the headliner, the trunk, the engine compartment. My neighbours car(PT cruiser)caught fire from a nest under the hood. I've heard about the moth balls and dryer sheets, just wasn't sure they worked. I will try the dryer sheets. Thanks again for the info!
My car is parked on the asphalt, but next to an oak tree. When I went to check the oil prior to a trip, I found the intake around the carb full of acorn shells. The wife keeps her car in the garage. She went to Toyota today to have it serviced. They checked the cabin filter. It was full of shells and had a hole gnawed thru the center of it. I don't think its mice and I haven't seen any chipmunks around here. Must be voles as I think they're bigger than mice. Guess I'll have to spread some rat poison under the hood. The wife drives her car everyday and I drive the wagon several times a week.
SQUIRRELS Another critter here in Florida that messes up cars are squirrels. They love to chew or eat the wiring and use whatever padding and cloth they can borrow for their nests. They often leave behind acorn shells too. Rumor is those Bounce Dryer sheets also work for them. Dynamite also works. Ask Wiley!