^^^Also invented by Goodyear, and used to reinforce the trickery the Allies used to confirm to Hitler that General Patton would invade Fortress Europe at the Pas de Calais.
Interesting notion, as a great deal of what was used in the Allied deception was 2-dimensional and it still fooled the Germans, but I think reconnaisance is so up-to-date these days, its chances would be very low.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ossipee,_New_Hampshire Ossipee claims to be the home of the first snowmobile. In 1917, Virgil D. White set up to create a patent for his conversion kit that changed the Ford Model T into a "snowmobile". He also copyrighted the term "snowmobile". At the time, the conversion kit was expensive, costing about $395. Virgil White applied his patent in 1918 and created his own snowmobile. In 1922, his conversion kit was on the markets and available only through Forddealerships. The welcome sign for the town that states "Home of the First Snowmobile" was put up in late 2010.[6]
Other - 2019 Antique Snowmobile Events Click on an Event link below or Scroll down for further information. Sat - Jan 20th - Muster Field Farm - Ice Day Sat - Feb 16th - Remick Country Doctor Farm Museum Sun - Feb 17th - NH Snowmobile Museum Rally Sat - Feb 23rd - Johnston's Tucker Sno-Cats & Model T's Sat - Feb 23rd - Merrimack NH Festival