This was Gray Cat when we started fostering her on Feb. 14, 2018. She was found at a construction site in below freezing weather. these are recent. She’s a Nebelung breed. Somewhat related to a Russian Blue. Nebelung means “Creature of the Mist”
I've heard of Nebelungs! She's beautiful! I'll try to post a pic of the other Calico, Shiloh, today. At this moment she is sleeping on top of our tall bookcase.
This is Shiloh, Kathie's sister. Katie is a "big-boned" gal, like a small raccoon, Shiloh is slim like an Oriental cat. I fell in love with Shiloh as soon as I saw her. I put my finger through the hole in her plexiglass case and she rubbed against it. She was dying to get out and be petted. I was looking for a bonded pair, though, and was happy to hear that she had a sister. Katie is somewhat more skittish than Shiloh. Katie loves to be petted but hates getting picked up. Shiloh you can pick up and is more of a lap-cat.
Here's mine. It and the bug screens keep insects from becoming fellow housepets. I never have to feed it and I can go on tour, without needing to take it to some temporary shelter. These long-legged types mostly stay in their place. The shorter-legged variety sometimes venture in front of my face and even platewards, during dinner. That's why I always look upwards, before going at my meals