Old US Gas Stations

Discussion in 'Station Wagon Lounge' started by Stormin' Norman, Dec 15, 2007.

  1. CountBezukhov

    CountBezukhov New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Old Gas Stations

    I had the same problem; what's that about? And I don't even use Windows, never have except for one job where i was compelled to for a year or two.

    I found the photos by another route. Here's the Gulf station in Tazewell:

    Here's the Airplane Filling Station near Knoxville (and some other airplane stations). It was part of a trend of novelty architecture that flourished, I believe, in the 30's. If you ever saw _The Rocketeer_ (recommended), you'll recall the diner shaped like a bulldog. http://www.agilitynut.com/gas/airplanes.html

    Here's a whole page of old gas stations:

    You can almost envision sitting comfortably in your car while the attendant fills your tank, wipes your windows, checks your oil and tire pressure and gives you a set of tumblers to thank you for your business.

    Pleasant to reminisce, but I fear the time has come to move as far from petrol as possible. My gas guzzling Impala wagon is used only for hauling (it'll hold a stack of full sheets of plywood laid flat. And still beat a BMW away from the traffic light) and for emergencies when my newer car won't run.

    ~ John Mayer
  2. CountBezukhov

    CountBezukhov New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Station Wagon Driver of Mystery

    It never came up.

    My current wagon is a '77 Chevy Impala, body very rough but engine like new. I plan to have it painted as soon as I find a job in my new career, having been forced to seek retraining at a rather advanced age. I was assured I could have my pick of jobs with an RN. But then one of our hospitals closed and laid off 500 workers. Just my luck.

    I got it after some bozo pulled right into me, forcing me into a telephone pole in my nice, new to me Subaru. I paid a friend $250 for it. He had bought it for his girlfriend and had the engine rebuilt not long before she died. Someone at a parts place offered me twice that for it the dame day I bought it.

    My only other station wagon was an Opel which I bought as a naive college student (the first time). It soon had a rod knocking, but I just kept driving, took it camping way back in the sticks, which was risky, finally gave it away, still running. I'd wanted an economical station wagon I could sleep in for casual car camping.

    I may be one of the few boys that longed to own a station wagon when I grew up. I sometimes helped out a friend with his paper route. His mother drove their station wagon from house to house and we'd sit on the open tailgate and hop out to deliver the papers. I thought that was way cooler than a convertible. Of course, someone else had to drive. I guess I figured some day I'd have a chauffeur who would drive while I sat on the tailgate with my legs dangling out.

    ~ John Mayer
  3. silverfox

    silverfox New Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Interesting stuff, count. It would be great if you moved it to the intro page (you can leave it here too) and did an intro. Looks like you have a lot to offer and many others would like to spot you in the intro section. Fill out the statistics while you are there, etc. Glad to have you and others will be too.
  4. Erik Boattail

    Erik Boattail Menior Sember

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Here's an article about an old petrol station that I really like:




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