This is the place I got the pass. quarter panel from. I checked their Ebay, but they don't have one listed. However, I will call. Check under every rock. Thanks!
Electric window... what is that? Nice find. Too bad it's going to be just for parts as that car could have been saved. If I found another '58 I would have a real tug a war between fixing it up and parting it out. To me EVERYTHING has value.
Off to the body shop! It's going to be a long winter. When I pulled the front bumper apart, what I was afraid of, was true. The previous owners had roughly drilled two holes in it to install incorrect bumper guards. I am sure they are wrong as they didn't point straight ahead (about 20 degrees to the side) and though they have 2 bolts, only 1 was used on each. The bumper is just a bit tweeked too. So I figure no one will want it. What a waste. Any idea what these bumper guards are from? Aftermarket? They are actually pretty nice. Just wrong for my car.
Don't toss that bumper. It can be straightened and the extra holes filled if you have it rechromed. Still a good core, and a good driver bumper until you have it redone, or find better. The profile on the guards look more like an 80's style bumper to me, but too hard to say.
Ok, I will hang onto it. I hope someone can use it. Thanks! OBTW, we decided on a color. 2003 Ford Sonic Blue. Several years ago I had 2003 Cobra. I bought it used and really wanted a Sonic Blue one at the time. I ended up with a Redfire car because of a good deal on it. Redfire was my second favorite color for that car, but I always wished for a Sonic Blue one. And no, I know that is not a cobra, but just a car pic I stole off of Google. But it is so pretty. LOL The Sonic Blue has a tint of purple in it that will work with the interior color. Funny, I didn't even think of this color till the other day when I was thinking about the Cobra.
Those guards use the EXACT same pad as my Torino. Could be correct for Torino-Montego-Ranchero, 72-76 or so. The bumper grabbing shape looks right, mounting bolt points are the same as mine. I already have spare pairs for both ends of my sedan or else I'd be interested!
I like this colour, looks just like my son's '95 Ford Taurus SHO, they called it Moonlight blue I believe.
Thanks! Got all the interior pieces painted (except for the floor of the Country Sedan, which is currently at the body shop). Using a lot more paint than I thought I would. Most of the parts are packed away till I get the car back sometime next year. Going to go over the exterior body side trim pieces that I have and see if they are salvagable. Got to figure out what I am going to do with the seats too. They still stink and are taking up a lot of space.
Now I see why it is going to take till next summer to get the car back. In the nearly 4 weeks it has been at the shop, they removed the "Country Sedan" and two sets of "FORD" emblems from the car. whoo hoo. LOL
Are you planning to redo the seat covers? Mine are almost finished and I am very pleased with the results and the price was very reasonable as they were built to order. I will post some pics to my '67 Commuter thread shortly with pictures of the seats. I still need to get a heat gun to shrink the vinyl up a bit, and redo the seat back panels and they will be done!
We are still in a quandry about the seats. The RW seats are still in the garage and are not getting any less stinky. I have yet to try some additional ideas yet from those posted in my separate thread. Other than the smell, and of course 40 years of wear, their fine. However, with everything I am redoing on the car, it probably makes little sense to put old seats back in even if I can get the smell out. The unoriginal recovered dirty cloth seats in the CS are with the car at the body shop for the winter. We have to pull them next year to put in new carpet. At that time, I will then get a chance to compare the condition of the metal of each seat and see what is what. I am seriously considering having whatever are the best metal condition seats recovered. But probably in cloth. The car is not going to be a restored to factory original car, it is going to be something I can drive anywhere, sooooo, might as well make it comfortable. The wife wants to steam clean them first and see if they can be saved. It would be nice to have some bucket seats like yours, but they can be expensive. At least from what I have seen. I do love how your seats look though.
If the seats are in good condition (i.e. covers are good, foam is in correct form, springs are undamaged), and you are OK with the pattern/color, I would find a way to get the smell out. But, it sounds like you would like to freshen them up either way, so I would start taking them apart. Strip the covers off but DON'T get rid of them. You may need them for patterns. Then check what padding you have underneath. If it is foam, you can probably wash it with Lysol to get rid of a a good deal of the smell, and treating them several times with Fabreeze as you work on them should help get rid of the bulk of the smell. If you have the stuffed pads, I would get rid of them and replace them with an equivalent performing pad from someplace like JoAnn's or Michael's. There is probably a burlap with wire running through it over your springs, and you will want to save that if you can. If not, I have seen it for sale. I have some that I have collected from cars I have parted out. Often times the back seats from sedans are in great shape, but they have no value. So I strip them down and save any good foam for patching and roll up the burlap with the wires. And if you really want buckets, dig around and see what you can find. I would avoid early Mustang seats. They are cheap and plentiful, but too small for a full-size wagon. Mine came out of a '68 Galaxie that was being parted out. I watched the auction on eBay (and this stuff looked rough) but I had faith that they were salvageable from what I could see in the pictures. I ended up getting both buckets, center console, floor shifter and shifter hump for $186 + shipping (another $150 or so in freight). The deals are out there. You just need to hunt them down. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss in any more detail.
Ya see that spare tire cover? I saw one on ebay sell for $300.00 bucks! Did you keep it or is it in the dumpster?