Mike - you and your wife, and your kids all deserve a ton of credit for doing this. It will be hard on everyone for a while. My parents took in kids who did not have a home to go to for various reasons and some of them stayed from little kids to adulthood. I have to say that for the natural kids we sometimes found it hard - we never truly owned anything personal other than our musical instruments, everything else became fair game and at times that was a challenge to put it lightly. My parents had very specific rules that were very clear and there were no exceptions no matter who you were or who you thought you were. We had our bible 10 commandments and we had our living in this house 10 commandments and you did not break any of them or you paid the price. Typically, that was doing extra chores - and everyone had chores that were rotated based on size, age, ability, and other commitments pre-approved by one of the parents. We had one final authority, Dad, but we all knew that Mom and our maternal grandmother who lived with us, were significant influencers. Gram was the behind the scenes issue resolver before things got escalated and she was ruthless at times, but only because she knew how hard it was for each one of us having lived through some very tough times herself as a child. You guys have huge hearts to take this on. Don't forget about taking care of yourselves as well. Yeah, this is hard on the kids, but it can also put tremendous pressure on a marriage as well. We will certainly keep your expanded family in our prayers and thoughts, and given what we have learned about you and your wife already in the time you've been part of this expanded family, we know those kids lucked out. Tough having your own parents needing to move on without you for a time, but being rolled in to a family with the love and affection you give your kids is about as good an option as one can get.
Thanks for all the positive comments. Right now my kids feel like we are having a big long sleepover party. Reality will hit soon, but so far they are enjoying the houseguests. Here's some pics from Lily's 12th birthday picnic last night. My Dad came along and is warming up to his newest grandkids well. We all had a much-needed good evening down on Brushy Creek. Joseph, the oldest, checking out a WWII torpedo at the park My Dad, Lily, and little Tuck feeding ducks on the creek Walking up Brushy Creek towards The Round Rock That's right kids, our entire town of 100,000+ people is named after this rock.... Looking up Brushy Creek as the October sun sets. Really nice evening with my much-larger family. Taking it day-by-day! -Mike
Wow, everything you're doing here just speaks volumes. So great to see some folks still have such big hearts. God bless you.
You are an inspiration to all! Good luck with the entire tribe! Looks like a lot of work, but also a lot of fun, and most importantly, a LOT of love!
You're actions are truly an inspiration to all of us. My wonderful wife and I have been through some really rough times in the 36 years of wedded bliss, but we always say God will never give us more than we can handle. With prayer and a support group such as this group seem to be you and your expanded family will be just fine. Just use us to vent, and to help you keep things under control. I'm a new guy here, but reading your story, and reading the replies, I'm proud to be a part of this group. God bless and good luck.
Thanks again everyone for the supportive comments. I really appreciate it! And for sure, my Custom Cruiser is being used for what it was made for. I have to drop kids off at three different schools every morning before work, and all rows are full! Doubt if there are many other kids that get to ride backwards in 3rd row seats to school anymore. -Mike
Mike, what a generous thing to do. I think Saf has some very sage advice. You know the folks at swf are here when you need to unburden. Owen
I'll bet a lot of kids these days have never even seen a third seat in the 'way-back'. Might get a few quizzical looks in front of the school when they pop out of there..... For fun, you guys should run a Chinese fire drill one morning in front of one of the schools.....
Very well said , CE Not only taking them in, but making them feel like they are a prt of the family, not just guests. x3,x3,x3, etc... Very nice outing you had for Lily's 12th, belated
Extra brownie points for the boy's Goonies shirt!!! Mike, you are a gentleman and a saint, through all of these changes you have not changed yourself and that's the important part!
Its sad to hear of the break up of a family. It will make a big difference in the lives of these kids and their parents that you and your family were there to come to their rescue. It sounds like you've known these kids from birth and were already like family to them. I wish you and yours all the best and I have a deep admiration for what you are doing. By the way. That rock. Its not round. Its flat.