That appears to be a functioning sprung fork, on that bike pictured large. You wouldn't believe what those bikes go for, nowadays, in good condition. Not to mention, mint. If I could return on some dimension-crossing space vessel, I'd buy up as many as I can, with contemporary dollar bills, and bring them back. I could then just sit around, all day long, and would never have to work again, until I ran out of such bikes
Of course. Only dumb people work. Haven't you ever heard the song about money for nothing and chicks for free?
Inspired by Rowan & Martins Laugh In, you got to remember Goldie Hawn in the bikini... Forever in my mind
I always used to wonder about Dan Rowan's brown leather hide contrasing against Goldie's soft white smooth skin, when they stood next to each other. Super weird show full of dubbed-in fake laughter. I'm surprised they were broadcasting such an immorally suggestive $#!+com in the Midwest. Here's some of their more innocent stuff:
With Mama Cass (could be Mama June with honey boo boo) in the back seat, the look he has on his face really sells me on buying one...
Good eye. He looks like he's got something up his sleeve. An ejector seat under Honey Boo's great grandmaw alias Mama Cass, maybe. What he needs now is a rear view mirror, so that he can get to the button, as he notices Mamaw's rolling pin heading baldspotwards