Spent a full day cleaning the car up after all the body work and paint. Installed the new wheels and tires, chrome grille, body trim and reinstalled several of the removed interior parts. Still have a list of little things to finish like wiring, some interior modifications and a few mechanical issues. The painter wants to do some additional detail work and the glass shop has a couple side glass install issues to address. Starting to look like a car once again and glad to get the Camaro parts out of the house and back on the car. Leaves me more space for parts from my 66 Malibu 2dr Longroof conversion that is still under construction.
You dawg you! Amazing, outstanding, superb!!! I could go on! (Actually my vocabulary is limited so I probably couldnt) what's this I'm feeling? Bubbling up from waaaay down deep? I haven't felt this since The Scott brothers down the street got those shiny ten speed mountain bikes. Could it be? It is!!! IM JEALOUS!!!!
I suggest your run down the street to the Scott's garage and offer the Scotts a wad of money for one of those beat up, not so shiny, old mountain bikes before those guys downtown at Pickers find out.
I have been chasing a front end noise in this Camaro since I got it last year. Trying to diagnose it by myself was probably my first mistake. I did a lot of searching and reading about potential noise problems with the Gen5 Camaro's but never found that anyone had a proven solution. Last week I changed my sway bar links which could contribute to the noise and are not that expensive. The new links look great but the noise was still there. Today I got a friend to lay under the car while I moved the wheels back and forth. The other suspect areas like the intermediate steering shaft and the struts all checked out OK. Further checking spotted some movement of the steering rack. Closer inspection revealed a loose bolt on one of the rack mounts. A long extension with an 18mm socket and my noise problem that has irritated me for months was fixed in less than a minute. I also checked the other 3 mounting bolts and found them to be nice and tight. Now I can enjoy driving it without the radio turned up loud and people looking at me when I pull into a parking spot and the front of the car makes a loud clunking noise.
Spending some quality time behind the wheel driving to reset the readiness monitors required for our state inspections. People keep asking me about the car when they spot my NOMARO fender script. I had only driven the car 2 days and a guy at a gas station told me he saw somebody's post on Instagram with pictures of my car. Today I added my modified "GM mark of excellence" inside door stickers that have my initials RM and are now on all my builds.
Sneaky, but nice! The states I've lived in they don't check monitors or rust out holes. They just ask for money!
I'm jealous on 2 levels, 1 - have the skill to do this work, 2 - your amazing car way to go - you have to feel special driving such a special car. enjoy it, you deserve it!