89k miles. $4500. Looks like a solid car but I cannot get past the incorrect-for-a-Pontiac replacement woodgrain. Surely something closer to original equipment appearance had to have been available. :confused: http://www.wiju.com/r?q=pontiac%20safari&id=54723497&c=cars-vehicles&s=410&p=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Feauclaire.freeclassifieds.com%2Fclassified_ads%2FVehicles_For_Sale%2FWagon%2FRhMJ3jwsSJYMNAVoCqPncA%3D%3D&rnd=0.8042074998971966
You're correct on the woodgrain trim, jwd. Should be a lighter tone. This year Parisienne I believe used the same woodgrain as the Caprice Estate. Quite different from the W/G on my Safari, which has a planking effect. Different trim rail moldings, too.