This looks pretty nice. As much as I like the wood grain, seeing a clean version looks pretty good. Like the color and interior.
I am one of the few on this site that prefer my wagons out of the shipping crate they came in!!!! So I have no issue with no woodgrain. It looks like a nice car for the under $4000 asking price. The 403 Olds V8 is a Plus. Last year for that option I believe. The red plastic panels are starting to turn to dust, but other than that the interior looks pretty good.
Wait a second. This has been posted before and if I remember right, it's really not as good as it looks.
I found the earlier post: Quote from annap01gt: "At a quick glance it looks pretty good. Take a closer look and nope. Newish paint over a good bit of bubbling rust. Don't want crank windows on a wagon this vintage. The way back looks like they hauled leaking engines/transmission or worse. Probably smells bad." OK, so here's a significant piece of rust right above the driver door: The gas cap area doesn't look 100%: Gosh, that rear driver quarter window: More rust bubbling but not as bad: Rusty passenger door: Front Door Panels aren't mint: Rocker: Way Back Area: That carpeting looks rough on the edges and clearly, the color's mostly gone. I don't know if this cargo area's floor's supposed to be carpeted, TBH; I'm not the most familiar with the Buicks.
Looks like it went through a flood and sat for a unknown amount of time. That's a lot of rust. I'd run from this rusty hunk of metal!....Longroofs Rule!
True, but if it ran good and someone offered it to you for $500 would you take it and drive the nuts off it? I know I would, but then again I live in Albuquerque, where the rust would abate. But, even if I was back home in Reading or Allentown I would still run it and have a good workhorse for about two years before it really got bad. As long as it passed inspection. It's a shame, because it probably was a nice wagon at one time. Jarring a memory....I remember being 9 years old and going with my dad to look at one of these. I remember my dad knew the salesman and him telling my dad it had the Limited package and that he could take delivery right away, but I guess it was too rich for my dad's finances, so he ended up buying a Century wagon instead. I still remember that car 40 years later, blue with woodgrain.
Hell yeah I would! But they want $3900!? The best thing going for it is the 403 Olds motor and that might be spent like the rest of the car (of course could be refreshed) second best thing going for it is all the parts it has to offer. The sad thing is a derbyist would probably run from this as well......Longroofs Rule!