Nice car. I do like this line in the ad: "Needs an alignment or something." "Or something?" Like what? A new paint job? More window washer fluid in the reservoir? If the car is pulling left or right or something like that, just describe the symptoms and state what you've done, if anything. Don't speculate on what the car might need to fix a problem unless you've had the car checked and actually know that it needs this.
I agree I thought about this one too. It's close enough that I would make the trip but after reading that, it leaves me a little suspect.
With these cars, chances are it needs one of two things. Either the alignment is out, which is often a very simple fix, or else one or more of the tires is out of round due to a shifted or broken belt. Either way, I would not let that stop me looking at this beauty were I in the market.
"Needs an alignment or something. I suppose a person could drive it and decide if it were SOMETHING cheap or expensive to correct.,,,, or something else! It's a Florida wagon. It could have something like a dead alligator wedged in the suspension...or something. If it were my ad I wouldn't have said anything until you drove it. Then maybe you'd know what needs fixed, or something. Then reduce the price accordingly.
It looks nice and they all need something - even if their not broke... If it was not a Blue Oval and I was looking to add another wagon (and get divorced) I would look at it
My first guess would be old tires. As long as there isn't any frame damage, I don't think it would scare me away. No cracks in the dash ... that is unusual. This car must have spent most of its life inside a garage.