I've heard it applique'd to Ukrainians here 30 years ago. It doesn't taste any better with aging. Maybe Brian and his brother have an ongoing mischievious, prankster thing between them. Brian takes it well. Good on him.
Ok, Im sensing that some are not getting this. I did not post this to offend so I hope this helps: I will explain where my brother was coming from. In the movie Vacation, Clark Griswold falls asleep at the wheel and gets lost East St. Loius. While asking for directions, his hub caps get stolen and the Family Truckster gets sprayed painted with the words honky lips. Stormin and tbirdsps, did you see the movie? I took it well, and had a laugh after a while as well. There is no harm to the wagon, I promise it will be fine. Dr B
Nope, haven't seen it, Brian. But the Christmas Vacation (number 3) is on Sunday on our national network - different car, according to ThatMoparGuy. I love this season's TV flicks. Restores my faith in human kindness. Sorry about my pre-judgement, if you're ok with it, who am I to comment. My car has been vandalized 3 times, before I built my huge fence, and I check every day, first thing to see if any foul-play has gone on, until I get it running and all the alarms installed.
Stormin, How can a wagon lovin guy like yourself go so long without seeing a classic like National Lampoons Vacation?!!! The family truckster is the main character in the movie, therefore it is a must see. In fact, I am going to right you a prescription for you to see it at least once and call me in the morning! Dr B
Stormin, Glad you have a great sense of humor! Let me know how you like the film. Wagon Update: I am going to try to upload the video of me rolling the car backwards down a hill to gain momentum to get it up my driveway into my garage. It almost worked but I ran out of momentum and we had to get a large tractor to push it up the driveway into my garage. I If anyone knows how to convert a cell phone video from 3GP format to AVI or MPEG format, let me know! It is very funny to watch. I will be uploading pics of the engine compartment, and the progress as I clean and detail it. I am still tearing out small components today. The cruise o matic is at the transmission shop getting a good once over and new seals.
You should go here and take a shot of that when you get it rolling! Pull a fast one on your brother! http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/cool/002027-2202-e.html http://www.gomoncton.com/EnSite/Visit/WTD_Capitol.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_Hill_(Canada)
Fixed the audio! Anyway, you can see up the hill where we are starting on my street. I rolled the car off of the flatbed without an engine or trans and very soft brakes. We tired to keep the momentum to get it into the garage but only made it up the driveway. We had to push the car into the garage with a large Kubota tractor. http://rides.webshots.com/video/3014440470102637081YFXBJi
The West side, which from PA is East of the rest of us! Talk about living on the sunny side of the street, while Buffalo, NY, most of Michigan and a good chunk of Vermont and Maine are getting a super-white Christmas! Must be some Irish luck...
Here are the pics of the empty engine bay. Anyone have any diagrams for the heater box and controls? Many of my vacuum lines have been blocked or are missing. Next on the list: 1 power wash/degrease the engine bay. 2 Sand and prepare surfaces for new paint, Firewall (burnt amber, all else chassis black) 3 Clean/repair wire harness 4 I am going to remove rust from most of the metal parts including the fasteners and hardware. See below: http://www.arkansaspontiacs.org/techstories/Electro.html
Vacuum Diagrams? These are for the 1968 Full-Size Fords. Other than that, you can get them at the Library from a Chilton Manual or maybe the original Ford Shop Manuals? http://www.autozone.com/az/cds/en_us/0900823d/80/11/35/8f/0900823d8011358f/repairInfoPages.htm