First car show Well not really but first one that was stationary (no cruise). There were 411 cars and 23 trophys awarded, KAthy was one of them!! Horay!! Here are some pics, oh yes and i added a Monte Carlo bar too, it came raw so I just cleared it, not sure I may paint it black, what do you all think? MC bar Thats right 3 EZ ups, lol. It was 97 today!! The mustang next to me was a guy from the shop, She got lots of attention!!! Have a good week, RYan
Dang that's a gorgeous car, Ryan. Get it out on the street or at a show and it gleems! Yeah. Paint it black if is going to stay there.
Looking good there Ryan. I don't have an opinion on the bar one way or the other, I think both would be fine. What award did your wagon get?
Hi Ryan, I would paint the bar black. However, I wouldn't put the bar on my car as i'm not a fan of how it looks. The car looks fantastic! I'm sure it will win many awards.
There were 23 sponsors so each sponsor got to pick their favorite car, so I guess is one of the 23 favorite? They took a picture in front of the speed shop at the end of the show, then they mount the picture to a plaque and then send it to you in 2 weeks. I will post a pic when I get it. Ryan
Friends of Steve McQuuen Car show We made the paper...........sort of. Here is a pic of the wife n dog as well as some nice folks we met at the show, Don n Theresa. Ryan