Modified 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air Nomad for sale on BaT Auctions - ending April 2 (Lot #141,860) | Bring a Trailer
That's a turquoise color GM used to have available, starting in the Sixties. That was one of my favorite of their colors. Dissappointing is the ineterior. Not only for being era out-of-place. That pattern is absolutely tasteless. While they had the engine out, they could have taken the time to sandblast some of that rust off of that upper control arm
Yeah the color reminds me of a’66 color tropic turquoise. Again somebody loved it for $63 large. I just really think you narrow the field when you apply your own taste to stuff. This guy found his twin taste with the guy that bought it. Being a Nomad certainly didn’t hurt either. I can’t help but think if this wasn’t a cheery white over Turquoise stock Nomad, with matching stock interior, he wouldn’t have come close too, or not cracked close to $100 for it.