Separate names with a comma.
Started on the hood, used a poster program to blow up an image of the skull,...
Naaa no scoop, was to standout-ish and that where the next skull is going. masking off a skull, then painting bed liner around it, to give...
OK did some gold leafing, not as nice in the end as you lose some of the color of the varigated gold when cleared over, but you gotta or it will...
added a butt plus breathing room, it was chokin on that little 6 1/2 filter. bored large holes in the lid over the back two. [img] [img]...
6 1/2in mr gasket n haloween decor mated [img] [img] [img]
[img] . . . . [img]
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picked up a spare ormanent cut out the trishield as I wanted to build a question mark one like the sybmoly for Indian Larry. but once I saw...
I don't even go that far, I use all weather performance tires and have had good luck. But they must be in good shape. Fuzion HRIs I got on...
[img] { I want that sweater ;) ]
Eventful Weekend Eventful Weekend On the way home my left side exhaust dropped and was draggin. Stopped and wired it back up but it was...
Even though studs are legal, they are dangerous unless the roads are bad enough to need them and then you remove them when not. Know a guy who...
40 years ago EW was a great company, now its just a name. Id have to have a catalog, which I don't to compare. But one that pissed me of was... [yes works great and cheap, can find lots of places selling similar stuff but I always give my business to any guy named Smitty ;)...
should be the same bolt as the same year chevy wagons, Buick went corp by then AKA just a reskinned chevy. But yea on say a 80 like mine, I has...
That’s one of the most controversial things I have done. But its been nothing but a blessing, folks don’t ride my bumper anymore and it sikes...
You can give a man a fish, or teach a man to fish........ fish = google
a real wood one with the clear natual finish to match the car, looks lost without one. [cheap ones are made for display only] [ 3 fin for the...
needs a 3 fin surf board on top.......
rear ends are like transmissions, the shape of the pan or cover and the number of bolts, will tell you what it is. google search will bring up ID...