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thats a great photo :thumbs2:
sllew submitted a new Garage Item: 1980 Chevrolet Impala 1980 Chevrolet Impala Read more about this garage item here...
1980 Chevrolet Impala
:Welcome: great community of people here for info and support. hope you enjoy the new ride and the site. i know myself after i had my first wagon...
thats funny, i might need one
1200 seems reasonable for that
any tips for removing this terrible matte black crap? doesnt look like he sanded the original paint before spray bombing the car, as for the same...
Very nice ford, i hope someone saves this old girl. love these
i sort of have buyers remorce but it's a nice car. would anybody need or want this wagon? dont get me wrong i'll keep it and drive it but really...
beautiful car.... great score!! i too saw this one on ebay and i drooled then too
some people............ you'd think that mabey they'd have asked if you wanted it back before selling it.
here's a couple of pics of the new ride the biggest problem with this car is the previous owner painted over the origanal paint with matte black...
pics are way too dark i'll try again tomorrow
I guess i am now an owner of 3 wagons, i bought a 1980 chev impala wagon today on an impulse. seems good does anybody know this car or have one?...
Has anyone used Kajiji successfully? bought both my wagons from kijiji, no problems
this one looks really nice aside from the sunroof that should not be
:Welcome: there are great folks on this site, and best of all we all are nuts for wagons
not really a recipe but try marinading your turkey in eggnog (if you like eggnog) then while roasting the bird, baste with new eggnog while it's...
congrats on your find, sounds great, can we see it?
I bought these for this holiday season...