Flawless? Hmmm...... For that price, the seller needs to provide more and better pictures. But, hey, it does have a surfboard. https://treasure.craigslist.org/cto/d/west-palm-beach-1979-ford-pinto-wagon/7573034819.html
Doesn't even indicate which engine it has. Could be the 2.3 4-cylinder or the 2.8 V6. The V6-equipped models were not identified with any engine designation on the outside, like the Mustang II's were. Well-equipped. Wouldn't be at all surprised to see the V6 under the hood.
Judging from the first image posted, the exhaust pipe looks a little too thin, for accomodating a V-6, unless they're duals. Other than that, the V-6 wasn't available with a manual transmission, in '77. This policy could have carried over into later years. According to the brochure for '79, the one posted on Craiglist isn't a '79 anyhow: https://paintref.com/cgi-bin/brochu...&manuf=Ford&model=Pinto&smod=&page=11&scan=11
Taking a cell phone picture of your computer screen showing a picture of the car. Dude. They really are proud of that floor shifter.
That's the extra-cost plaid interior. Our wagon for sale here has one of the 'standard' interiors, displayed on this page as 'E' http://www.lov2xlr8.no/brochures/ford/79pi/bilder/7.jpg As to the V6 option in the Pinto, you could only get it with an automatic behind it. Due to limited production on the 4-speed manuals, they were all reserved for the Mustang II with the V6. These days, you could probably find a manual and swap it, with some Mustang II parts, if you wanted to.