Does this one have the push button transmission ? Sounds like the spindles and rear end were swapped to accommodate disk brakes? I had a friend that had a New Yorker about that year that was painted that rosewood color. Sure was pretty
I like it, kinda pricey for condition and no Brakes, but it sure is different! But the wedge head 413 is a plus, and you don't see HT wagons often. Those canted headlights were always odd, but I do like odd cars. The Factory? A/C is a plus also. Hard to tell what kinda shape the chrome is from the pictures.
Probably something done in an attempt to get it to run. Didn't work. This one's been sitting quite a while. Suffered the 'ran out of money' virus that goes around. I know about that one......
It looks like a ground wire. You can see it grounds somewhere near the top of the A/C compressor. My guess is the angle the picture is taken makes it look like the wire disappears, but it is probably hiding behind some of the other crap in that area.