Ooooooooooooooo, AAAaaaaaaaaahhhh! Drool! Our UltraVan club is in Cody for a Corvair/UltraVan rally. Iffin I'd gone out there I could have bought this..... Iffin!
I love the wagon! However - when did every old car become a barn find? He says he is selling it for a friend. Did his friend forget he parked it in a barn and just find it? I think all barn finds should include a picture of the barn.
Wow! Somebody needs the money as that is way too affordable. Very rare those unmolested wood wagons. Sigh. The most PERFECT woody wagon of all time is the '48.
The use of BARN FIND comes up often. Have you ever actually been in a barn? Have you seen the holes in the roof and the dirty or dirt floors? Did you know critters live in barns and some sit in rafters and poop! Have you seen pidgen poop and what it does? Have you seen a cow's tongue and noticed the acid it has on it? Have you ever seen a cow expel used cow feed onto their tail and swished it against whatever is near? Did you ever see a hog, goat, sheep, or other barn aminal? They chew on anything near and kick pens and cars. Rats, mice, and other rodents like wire and apholstery. A barn find? Not likely. This is a great old woody wagon. But it's been repainted, new tires, apparently chromed up dash. I may be wrong but remember the original dash trim being tan soybean made plastic. That wooden headliner sure looks too nice to be original. I suppose it is worth the money. But far from factory original.