1950 Crosley Super Station Wagon - $3000 (Epping N.H.) 1950 Crosley Super Station Wagon. serial #CD204794. Mileage 40216.Motor runs sweet, new tires. I have replaced all 4 wheel cylinders and have a new master cylinder for it. The floor under the front seats is rusted out, I have the new floor pans to weld in. Frame is solid. Drivers door roll up window is broke. Gauges work,Speedo works, Instrument lights work, Windshield wipers work, needs blades, Tail lights work, One headlight works. Rear quarter panels have some rust underneath. Battery not included. Nice restoration project for someone!
Crosley wagons don't look right unless they have the optional front propeller to me. I remember riding in the "way back" looking at a Crosley Wagon behind us and being mesmerized by the little propeller!
Until the last few years there were a few Crosley wagons within 30 miles and at least one back in Illinois parked in a yard for years. They seem to be selling and popular with a few. I always thought they looked too much like a breadbox and a toy. Even the little Nash Rambler looked nicer and they could pass anything in second gear.
you Betcha!!!!! Otherwise I would not have stared at it hypnotized for about a half hour. My father was joking that he would have to hire one to follow us on our next vacation!!!!!!
Some one once said that there are no stupid questions, How ever in there stupidity they failed. Somewhere I once read the above statement.---^^^^^^ Could have been on a Wheaties box. So here's my stupid question. On many old Crosleys there was a metal propeller in the center bullet of the grille. Kinda lookes like a 49-50 Ford grille by the way. Someone copied. The question is "were those propellers factory installed or added later?" I've seen them with and without.
We recently sold our 1950 Supidbegger. Also had a few 49-50 Fords. I like those bullet nosed grillles. My 1954 Ford had sort of a small bullet. Still have one nice 1950 Ford grille bullet. I remember some of all of those names having a propeller. Seems like the local auto parts stores and JC Whitney sold them. Now a few pick up trucks have them in the trailer hitch reciever. Usually a 4-prop.