Still can't understand why sellers don't run a vacuum and clean the crap off their floors before posting???
You sort of halfway expect it on a $1,000 (or less) beater, but on any vehicle you're asking that kind of money, it better be clean. That right there is an indication of what kind of owner the seller is.
I'm not feeling $5000 for this thing. I may love my Fords/Mercurys but I hafta agree on the point of quality of seller. Also lack of pictures tends to make me suspicious, even of wagons I like. And since this is from the KC area I want to see pictures of rust zones. I know SW MO is prone to ice but I saw snow storms on KC's radar plenty of times... thus salt and rust. Also I just have a gut feeling to pass on this one. I'm not sying that I expect it to be rolling rusty junk but still.