It would be nice if they had rolled it out of the garage, washed the dust off, and taken better photos, especially of the driver's side of the car. Perhaps the car won't start? The ad doesn't say if it is a running car. Otherwise, it looks good, in what we can see.
Driver's seat area reupholstered in dark blue vinyl instead of the correct medium blue. Appears to be in some sort of storage facility, on concrete, so at least it's dry... Lots of questions on this one, plus a high price.
Agree on everything. My first questions would be ..... Does it run? And whats with the mega stained concrete under it complete with kitty litter? I'd expect to be able to drive it home basically trouble free at @$8500 firm But from what I can see even with the miss-matched drivers seat ( I'm sure a closer colour match could have been found), I kinda like it, blue on blue with wood.
It looks in very good physical condition. That puddle underneath is worrisome. It is well equipped with the upgraded door panels and seat pattern. Doesn't have comfort weave or power windows. Still too high without more info and details unless someone in Europe wants it? Wayne