Olds 307 to Olds 403 engine swap info please?

Discussion in 'Station Wagon Lounge' started by 81X11, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. MotoMike

    MotoMike Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2010
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    Wwo, this is cool Mike. I feel like I'm riding shotgun with you working through these problems. Keep it up! :)
  2. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    I was told that Spectre adaptor/spacer I bought yesterday is way too restrictive, and I should return it, and put a flat adaptor plate (EDL #2732) on the intake, and use a normal 4-hole square-bore spacer to raise the carb over the EGR boss.

    So sometime today I'll make the rounds to the parts stores again and do that.

    Also have to buy an additional mount, TCI-376710, for the throttle and TV cable connections on the carb, and I may have to buy a universal bracket kit that the throttle and TV cables run through, either an EDL-8036 or a Spectre #24283. BUT some have said the stock 200R4 Cutlass bracket will be fine. We'll see.

    Lastly I have to buy a banjo fitting for the fuel line, part # EDL-8089, so I can retain the stock air cleaner assembly, which I want to do.

    I know other may do this Olds 307 to Olds 350 or 403 swap, which is why I'm trying to document all this.

    Plus, I appreciate the tips and motivation from everyone. (y)

  3. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    Ran all over town during lunch. Returned the incorrect/restrictive Spectre adaptor/spacer and got the Elelbrock #ELD-2732 flat adaptor that was reccomended. Also picked up the fuel line banjo fitting, part # EDL-8089.
    I wasn't able to find the TCI-376710 adaptor in stock for the throttle and TV cable connections, but Austin Performance is having one sent down from Dallas and I'll have it tomorrow.

    Ran by the shop, and set the carb on the intake. That EGR boss is REALLY in the way. Went back to Austin Performance and picked up a 4-hole, 1-inch tall square bore carb spacer. I really hope 1-inch is tall enough to clear the EGR boss for the TV Cable. Any taller and I don't think the hood will close over the stock air cleaner....which I'd really like to retain.

    Lastly I struck out on an EGR block-off plate, so I'll going to try to make one myself tonight. I picked up the EGR gasket to use as a template, and will see what kind of metal I can cut and grind into shape tonight after work.
    Fingers are crossed that this get her running.

    Right now I just want to get the car back to the house. I'm going to tinker with the cruise control, the a/c electrical, and the overdrive lockup once it home. If it runs right I'll drive home in 3rd gear and plan to totally clean and detail under the hood, and then will get on the other stuff when my next pay-period rolls around! :rolleyes:

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2012
  4. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    I got some metal and got after it with my whizz-wheel and grinder last night and MADE me an EGR block-off plate. I actually think it came out pretty well.

    Will be heading to the shop after work tonight and we'll see how it works.

  5. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

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    Well here's the latest. I dropped the EGR plate off at lunch, and the TCI-376710 adaptor for the throttle and TV cable connections came in. Dropped it off as well.

    I'd read that the 307's throttle and TV bracket that mounts to the intake could be used with the 1406 Edelbrock carb. Well...it can't, because I don't have a stock intake. Back to Austin Performace for a bracket kit, EDL-8036.

    Next up found out I needed an adaptor to hook the line from the brake booster to the back of the new carb. Thank goodness for O'Reilly, they had just what I needed for $4.

    That's the latest folks. Hopefully it'll be running later tonight. Fingers are crossed!!

  6. Safari57

    Safari57 Well-Known Member

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    Geez Mike, get that car running for heavens sake. We can't stand the suspense :whew: It is killing us waiting to get your feedback on how the swap has worked for you.
  7. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    Still not running. Found out the 2 1/2 inch long carb studs were too short last night. Went at lunch and got 3-inch studs. I'm running the flat spread-to-square bore plate, the 1-inch spacer to clear the EGR, and four gaskets. The 2 1/2 are just too short.

    Also the Edelbrock cable mount kit for the throttle and TV cables will not work on my Performer 350 EGR manifold. Bummer. Had to go get the cheesy chrome Spectre one from Autozone. It fits, that what matters.

    Back to the shop again tonight!

  8. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    The 350 is RUNNING! And running really WELL! Woo-Hoo, at long last!

    Now I have to figure out how to ground the a/c so the compressor will engage. It's charged, but with no computer it's not coming on. Have not figured that out yet and will have to look around the forums for the how-to.

    Also have to sort out the cruise control and the lockup on the transmission. I'm going to drive the car home from the shop in 3rd gear tonight so as not to damage the trans. The TV cable adjustment seems to be right, it shifts fine. I'm going to order a Painless Wiring lockup kit for it, but that will be in about two weeks....next pay period. Ha! You know how it goes.

    So for now I'll see if I can sort out the a/c and cruise control. I still have not figured out how to attach the cruise linkage to the new carb, and then I have to ground the wire under the dash for that. I have the instructions to do that, seems easy.

    Also planning to totally remove the ECM wiring from under the hood, and do a BIG clean-up and detail. Plus I have to cut the line off the Cat Converter that is still sticking into the engine bay for my no-longer-there A.I.R. system.

    ANYWAY I'm just glad it's finally running and running well. Will have some fun playing with it this weekend.

  9. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

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    The local speed shop gave me the name of a guy that works at Ammco Transmissions down on Burnet Rd in Austin. Said he's the "go-to" guy for all the local hot-rodders. Just called him, seems like a really good guy, and he has the transmission lockup kit in stock, and quoted me a VERY fair price to install it. It's a TCI kit, not the Painless kit, but he says it works fine.

    Will be dropping the car off for that next weekend. This weekend is for cleaning and detailing, and tweaking it all. (y)

    Pics to follow!

  10. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    SO I tinkered with it all weekend. Still have lots of tweaking to do.

    - Have not figured out the proper timing yet. Set it like the 307 and it idles really rough and starts hard. Will have to Google the proper timing for the 350.

    - Temp gauge is dead now, worked with the 307. The hole in the Edelbrock intake is larger than the stock 307 intake. I bought an adaptor at Napa, and it's bolted in, but still getting no reading. Either the sender is bad, or the adaptor raised the sensor up too high to get a good reading....?

    - I had to install a dropped-base aftermarket air cleaner to close the hood. Put my Rocket 350 decal on it. Looks ok.

    - Still have to sort the huge wiring mess out. Have not removed the ECM harness under the hood yet, but really want to do that. Stole power from that harness to run the electric choke, and once removed will have to find a new power source. Also it looks like the plug for the disributor is tied into this wiring (?). I have it all bunched up near the evap box near the engine, and it's such a jumbled mess it's hard to tell what goes where. I did install a vaccum-style distributor but did not mod any wires yet. I REALLY wish I'd pulled the wiring before dropping in the engine, but original plan was to keep the computer. Now I have 10,000 unplugged wires. Argh.

    - Plugged off the PCV port on the carb and installed chrome vent caps on the chrome valve covers. They have the caps with the port for a hose and inline PCV, but don't think I need it. Thoughts?

    - Still have not sorted out how the a/c is supposed to be wired to work.

    - Still need to figure out how to hook the cruise control to the new carb.

    Will sort out the a/c and cruise once the wiring is cleaned up and the car is running right.

    Such fun. Car IS home at least.

  11. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2011
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    This was the donor car for my "new" '71 350, and belongs to a local club member named Terrence.

    After all the work put in to it (a totally BUILT 403 engine, something like 400hp), it was home about 2 days, and after a day of fine tuning, it was put away for the night and Terrence took his wife to dinner.

    Someone broke into his house, got the keys took the car for a joy ride, parked it in a field and burnt it to the ground afterwards. :cussing:

    The new engine drivetrain survived and is now looking for a new home in another Cutlass or GM product. I got a call from Neill, the guy that built the new 403 put the engine in the '71, and he said Terrence is just beside himself.

    Really Sad Stuff!

  12. Krash Kadillak

    Krash Kadillak Well-Known Member

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    Terrible, just terrible.

    From the way you describe the crime, Mike, it sounds like Terrence may have an enemy or two. (Doesn't sound 'random')
  13. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

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    I got home last night and popped the hood, and on a whim turned the distributor. It moved freely....I'd not tightened the hold-down bolt. I turned it counter-clockwise a bit and then went to start the car and it fired right up and idled MUCH MUCH better. Still has a little shake, but not nearly like it was.

    Whoops on my part. Got the tool out and tightened the bolt.
    Was in the upper 90's....didn't pull out the timing light. Will tinker with the car some more this weekend after dark. It's summertime in Texas folks, ouch!

    That distributor came from the salvage yard, and other than a new cap and rotor, I did nothing to the dist itself. Good idea to check out the weights too I guess. Make sure they are moving normally. Will do that as well!

  14. 81X11

    81X11 Well-Known Member

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    I don't know him well. Did the deal for my 350 from Neil, the guy that was putting the 403 in his 71. Neil did say Terrence really loved that car. I feel bad for the guy.

  15. MotoMike

    MotoMike Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2010
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    Progress! Fortunately, without the pain of 2 steps back.

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