Iz the Batwagon the only long roof that will impressing the masses this week Come on you'z folkz letz make the Motor City say UH-RAH
Woodward is on my bucket list, but can't go this year - maybe next year! Have fun and post some pics when you get back.
a handful of my club members are heading out..so there will be a West Coast Canada contingent....wish i coulda gone with them...but..no time have a good one
It's been very crowded out there. Forecast for Saturday looks good (so far...); it's gonna be HUGE. Will post pics afterwards.
heading out thursday after work, with my short roof g body Like Joe I'll be taking pictures and posting them when I get back
I apologize for the language, but i did enjoy this parody of a Pure Michigan promo for the Woodward Dream Cruise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KLcI6dqssc
I'll start with just the wagons here I'm following one of our long roof forum members wagons, it's JMT455's blue bonneville g body wagon back to wagons
The '65 Merc Commuter was for sale for $8750, nice car and had the rear facing seat, had a repaint that look good but noticed a few bubbles here and there. the best "wagon" was the 1960 GM highway coach that was a bit further up the street past the hearses, that thing was in great shape and probably not many in road worthy condition.
yes , thanks for posting, just thought that it was incredible to see one roadworthy. I enjoyed the show and wil go back next year and bring the Ranch Wagon.