First 63 Plymoth Savoy 9 passenger ERW, Delux steering wheel, 318 Automatic. Blew the 318 motor installed 3 month old 440 6 Pack. Sister totaled it Second full size Jeep waggon with shielded mitillary axles. Just like todays congress we couldnt reach an agreement. Third Pinto port hole waggon. Parts car was rusted bad wanted way to much. Fourth 56 tudor wagon for sale in parking lot went to get paper and pencel It was gone. Fifth 69 Montego all power and came stock with 2bbl 390 3 speed. Sold out from under me. Still owes me the deposit on it.
I think I told this story before.... This would have been around the summer of 1967. I would have been 15 1/2 and had my learners permit, but no driver's license yet. Went with my dad to work one day. He was a milkman, and his route was in the very ritzy Bel Air part of Los Angeles. He stopped at one house and I noticed parked on the street the most beautiful station wagon I had ever seen up to that point - a 1958 Pontiac Star Chief Custom Safari - and it was for sale! A beautiful white body with silver in the cove area. Looked to be in excellent condition. I think the price on the sign was something like $1,200 - which was a bit pricey for a 9 year old car back then. I begged my dad to get it, but buying it would have violated one of the 'house' rules - no car of your own until you graduate high school. So alas, it was not to be........
As far as wagons go, I missed two nice 1956 Nomads and a 1955 sedan delivery. Several other great cars got away too.
Never had the experience of missing on a car I wanted to buy. My problem is it's easy to buy 'em; harder to sell.