hello guys and girls just wondering but i think wagons are in bettet shape when you get them no matter how old there are. my 77 pinto wagon belonged to a grandma in utah never went over 55!i guess they didnt get hot rodded as much as a coupe.my rear seat looked like nobody ever sat in it.so what do you think? chris in ca.
Cute wagon. Nice to find one in that condition. I used to think about how nice it is to find cars driven by little old ladies, now I'm married to one Welcome to the forums, and please post more photos of your wagon. When they are this nice we want to see more...
thanks guys the wagon orignally was white with a78-13 tires complete with a roof rack.75000 orignal miles even a/c.beilieved it or not i got the mag wheels from a local picknpull 60.oo wow.my main computer crashed but i try later for more pics.the grill badge on front is a speical rally badge for pintos made only one year 1975 its a rare nos ford new out of the box.happy to answer any orther qeustions cause wagon are the best!!!! chris