Hello all ---- I am amazed, that with all the web surfing I have done, never found this site before. I am probably the oldest hot-rodder at this site -- and I have the car history to prove it. Currently a member of GoFaSSt out of Orlando, FL. an Impala SS and Caprice club. You can see some of my rides at: www.GoFasst.us under the name of Bob Marks. I am also a member of www.V8S10.org, and you can see my truck at that site. Just sold my '95 Caprice SS clone wagon and an '03 Astro. Have some parts from them and my '94 GMC Sonoma for sale. I have owned 58 vehicles so far in my life. Love cars, guns, and have very strong opinions on politics, which maybe some of you might not want to hear! Look forward to chatting here, and throwing in my 2 cents when I can! :2_thumbs_up_-_anima
Howdy from the Sunshine State. Oh, you already said that. But you also said other things which may or may not be fact. I do know as a fact there are members here older than dirt. I mean real dirty dirt from long ago and far away. Their names slip beyond my limited ability to retain valuable info like this but I will eventually remember or make something up. Politics and religion are two topics we try to stay away from but do occasionally sneak in by some of those old guys and young pups who don't know any better. Glad you finally wandered onto the forum. You will enjoy the group and the information we share. We like pretty pictures. You've owned 58 vehicles? Maybe someday you'll get a good one you can keep!
Oh Yeah? Figure on this-- Well I'm not going to tell you my actual age, just that I'm as old as Social Security-- which I started collecting a long time ago! Some of the 58 vehicles i have owned were great ones! I did not replace them or dispose of them because of a dislike or faults,in many cases, it is just that needs change from time to time, and in one case, 'cause the vehicle was totaled by a driver, driving on a ticket, and insurance would not replace! Also I can say that I am pretty close to the million mile driving mark, and wore out a few of those rides! If I could figure out how to post pics on this site, I'd add a few, but on my first attempt, it would not take the images from imageshack! Meanwhile you can check out my current rides at the other websites.--- except for the new van --- haven't posted that one yet!
Funny this SSI number thing just came up earlier in the week. We have discovered two of us have numbers 000-00-0001 and 0002. I still have trouble posting pictures. In time you will figure it out. Sadly I sold and traded many fine rides too. Family, jobs, lifestyle sometimes gets in the way of sports cars or motorhomes. About the million miles or so, I've put way more than that just on motorcycles and have the calloused butt to prove it. Drove a tractor trailer rig in mostly Illinois since the old Mac chain drive units were new, pulled every shape and size RV, and drove a few old cars around. Still have a few cars from the past. We never made it out of the 50's! Being on this site is a great place to help the memories return and have fun with others who are addicted. Maybe someday you will find our old wagon cruising Old Town.
Don't want to start playing the game of oneupmanship on a new site, but thanks for the speedy comeback and info.
Yes sir. Got carried away. But in a good mood this morning. I really do hope you enjoy the group and have fun with your toys.
Welcome to the forum Bob! Great to have another seasoned vet here, don't mind Cat he is our resident Big Daddy, but he is awesome and REALLY enjoys jabbing us all from time to time.
Welcome to the nut house. We're a fun bunch around here. Crazy seems to be a prerequisite for happy membership. We will forgo the debate about who is older. Several of our members can remember the headlines announcing the Boer War. LOL (Not quite, but bloody close) We do, though, have many members of the million mile club. Around here, that is not a particularly high mileage to attain. For that matter, I know someone who has accumulated that mileage on one car! Be sure to post pictures when you manage to figure out the upload method. Someone around here will help you figure that out. It won't be me, though. I'm just happy if I turn on the computer and don't get flames! I'm sure, too, that your unique brand of know how will certain add interest to the discussions around here, too.