I happened to be in the area visiting family, and we dropped in to this show in Laguna Beach on Sunday the 2nd. All together there were maybe 100 cars at the show. Admission was $10 per person, car or not, but it went to charity. 1929 Oldsmobile "Cantrell." Cantrell was the coachbuilding company who made the station wagon body. 1938 Ford "Woody." This one is for sale. A cool $119,900 makes it yours. 1939 Ford "Woodie" 1955 Chevy 210 1955 Chevy Nomad
Never went to that show when I lived down there...... $10 to see 100 cars doesn't sound like enough bang for your bucks. Goes to charity though, so all is well. That venue has a real neat event in late fall. I think it's called 'Pagant of the Masters' or something very similar. Real people 'recreate' paintings from the Masters. For example, suppose there's a painting of a lady, seated in a chair, with a bowl of fruit on a table next to her. You would walk by a very large frame, and in the frame recess would be a REAL lady, dressed as the lady in the painting, sitting in a chair, with a table and a bowl of fruit to match the painting. Never went myself, but it was supposed to be fascinating.