Given it is in SoCal, how this Plymouth Fury did not end up demolished as a cop car in the 1980s in a TV show or a movie seems miraculous. 1978 Plymouth Fury 1978 Plymouth Fury Police | eBay
Man, call me biased (or insane), but as a Mopar guy I just love 1971-'78 B-body sedans. To me, they just have really attractive curves and proportions from every angle, and those Coke bottle sides? Love 'em. Doesn't matter if it's a civilian model or a cop car, but they always get extra brownie points if they have dog dish hubcaps! If I had a large collection of cars I'd definitely have one in my collection. However, I find it odd that the listing states: 'Vehicle has only been alley tested. Not tested on public roads or highway speeds', as well as: 'If we have had the opportunity to road test the vehicle, please understand that it has been done so, in a limited capacity and not at highway speeds.' Sooooooo, did the seller literally roll this thing off a trailer and take shots for the eBay auction without even testing it on public roads? And why no testing at highway speeds? Seems like a rushed sale and a bit of a loophole to me. That just comes off as a bit weird. Also, this car is subject to an additional 8% "buyer's fee" from the seller? Ouch. Even at its current $8,200 bid, this car is way crustier than I'd want to see. Especially for a supposed So-Cal car. Add another 8% and just no. This thing needs to be blown apart to make it look right again. Not at $8,200+.
This seller is a 'donation' only lot that has been around for a long time. They get some really interesting cars sometimes and don't really care if they get top dollar, therefore don't put any money in the cars before listing on ebay. If the car starts they'll drive it around the alley but have no interest in further testing. They do tend to have lots of photos of each car, though.