I just noticed a red wire from a bundle coming out of the firewall by the fuse box on the passenger side; that seems to have nowhere to connect (See pics) . The other wires bundled with it are in their proper places in their connector. There is a broken tiny fingernail-sized plastic piece on the wheel well, that looks suspiciously like it had something attached that has broken off; and the wire looks like the perfect length to have connected to that missing whatever. Any thoughts?
My 93 Caprice wagon had a similar wire on it in the same place. I looked it up in the service manual and discovered it was a 'not used' or a 'test connector' on my car. Been so long I don't remember which but I'm leaning toward a 'test connector' in my memory. I don't have the manual anymore so I can't look it up for you but maybe someone else can do that.
Ahhh ok that makes sense , thank you. Guess they hook up a diagnostic to it for some computer device reading(s). Think I’ll call it the WTH wire. You could really mess with a buddy sticking that up into a random loom of wires real quick then ask wth that wire goes to…. Id never do that, of course… (insert devious laughter here)…