Very sharp looking. Super colors. $4200.
Here's what sucks. Point Roberts, while United States territory, can only be accessed two ways: by water from the U.S. or by land, with two crossings of the Canadian border. But those colors are soooo Seventies and just pop! The trek to buy it will be worth it.
I usually don't care for the square headlight Cordoba's, but I like this one. Also can't argue with the asking price.
I was about to write that also. But, didn't want to come off as a broken record, since I always comment negatively on rectangular headlights stuffed into curvy fenders Yeah, it must suck to have Canadians seeping in to take all of the jobs Americans won't do, simultaneously speaking only Canadian with each other and then peddle their culture on Americans, through opening restaurants offering limp French Fries laced with vinegar
It’s kinda neat to see really happy colors on late ‘70’s cars when you think about what a funk this country was in in 1979. It had to give you a little lift to slide in to that cheery colored car and forget about the “malaise” for a while.
Something fishy with the door mirror. Exterior photos show the round door mirror and the interior photo shows a chrome racing style mirror.
Good eyeball. This piece of Craiglist chaff has some explaining to do I think, someone has been lacing his soggy fries vinegar with something funny
Could this be the same car? Old photos have expired. But it seems the same and those are very rare colors.
I believe you are on to something there jwdtenn. It sure seems like the same car. Forgot where the original car was, (Point Roberts)? but snow also seems right.